Sunday 19 December 2010

3 films

After the change in my question I decided I had to re-think my films also to suite the new subject that I would be studying. I came to the conclusion that I would keep A Clockwork Orange as my film as that is vital to my question, also i decided on Lolita which is one of his earlier films. The third film was a tricky one to pick I decided to choose between:

  1. Full Metal Jacket
  2. Paths of Glory
  3. Eyes Wide Shut
  4. The Shining

In the end I chose Full Metal Jacket because although the other films are as good as eachother I fell that this coould give me more than some of the other could.

  • A Clockwork Orange

I chose this film again as it is the appitamy of my project, the film was banned in the U.K until the death of Stanley Kubrick in 1999 and show's as a perfect example for my investigation.

  • Lolita

Lolita stood out for me when I was discussing the question with Mrs.Moore the whole story relates to me question and along with Clockwork this is a perfect resource in which to collect my ideas from.

  • Full Metal Jacket

Finally Full Metal Jacket as I mentioned earlier was the winner out of a tight running for the lead, I felt this film came closer than anyother I could of chose to help with my research.

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